List of Projects Completed


Sl. No. Title Agency Year View / Download
1 Task force on revival of co-operative credit institutions CMDR 2004
2 Performance scheduled commercial banks in india during pre-reforms and reforms period Canara Bank, Bangalore 2006
3 Estimating unit cost of PESLE initiative of Agha Khan Foundation Aga Khan Foundation, New Delhi 2007
4 Market making and credit worthiness for CNX nifty futures: A signalling equillibrium approach ICSSR, New Delhi 2009
5 Adaptable livelihood: Coping with food insecurity among primitive tribal groups in karnataka Under Tribal sub plan fund, GOK 2013
6 General agreement on trade in services and india service sector ICSSR, New Delhi 2014
7 Food insecurity amidst plenty Locating vulnerability in a resource rich rigion in india A study in undivided Kalahandi district of Orissa Dept of women and Child Development Ministry of HRD GOI New Delhi 2016
8 Efficacy of Affirmative Action Policies in Indias Education System A Study of Scheduled Caste in Karnataka ICSSR, New Delhi 2016
9 Micro financing in Orissa Mapping of SHG-Bank linkage CMDR
10 Oh! our people CMDR
11 A Study of Outward Migration in Four States of India--Uttarakhand, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat-- with a View to Assessing the Distress-G N Devi ICSSR, New Delhi .
12 Economic thought of ancient india -An attempt to weave disparates strings CMDR 2004