Sl. No. |
Title |
Agency |
Year |
View / Download |
1 |
Environmental impact assessment report on markandayya reservoir project |
1998 |
2 |
Million Well scheme in Goa |
3 |
Concurrent evaluation of Million Wells Scheme in India |
Ministry of Rural Development |
2001 |
4 |
Dynamics of rural development: Lesson from Ralegaon Siddi |
2002 |
5 |
Incidence and effects of drought : A case study for Karnataka |
6 |
Evaluation study of irrigation projects supported under RIDF in karnataka |
NABARD, Mumbai |
2013 |
7 |
Formulation and rehabilitation and resettlement policy frame work for upper krishna project stage-III |
KBJNL, Bangalore |
2013 |
8 |
Microscoping on MGNREGS in Dharwad District |
D M Nanjundappa chair, CMDR, Dharwad |
2019 |
9 |
Crop insurance in Karnataka-Solutions for a challenged sector |
Karnataka Agriculture Price Commission, GOK |
2017 |
10 |
Impact of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme MGNREGS on development of scheduled caste lands: A study in Karnataka |
ICSSR, New Delhi |
2019 |
11 |
Problem of Technology difusion in the farm sector rain fed and semi rain fed regions |
1994 |
12 |
An Assessment of womens economic Contribution to the farm sector during SAP |
Dept.of women and Child Development, Ministry of HRD, GOI, New Delhi |
2001 |