Mono. No. | Author | Monographs | Download |
109 | Shashanka Bhide | Synergies in India’s Service Sector Growth and Economic Development: An Assessment | |
108 | Satish Y. Deodhar | Pre-Kautilyan Period: Crucible of Proto-Economic Ideas and Practices | |
107 | S.S.Patagundi | Foreign Policy Analysis and Decision Making Issues | |
106 | Priyanka Dasgupta Subrata Mukherjee | Incidence and Correlates of Distressed Financing for Inpatient Care by Households in India: Evidenc | |
105 | S V Hanagodimath | Regional Disparity in Per Capita Income in India: A Study on Inter-state and Intra-state Analysis | |
104 | V. B. Annigeri A. R. Kulkarni D. R. Revankar | «. ©. CtÂÚUÉÃj K. Dgï. PÀÄ®PÀtÂð r. Dgï. gÉêÀtPÀgï | |
103 | T. Krishna Kumar | Consumption Deprivation as an Objective Poverty Measure : An Engelian Approach | |
102 | Gopal K. Kadekodi S V Hanagodimath | POWER OF VOTING FOR DEVELOPMENT: Karnataka’s recent experience | |
100 | M.A. Kalam | Migration Dynamics: Networking, Ethnicity, Identity, and Schism | |
98 | Kaliappa Kalirajan | Renewable Energy Economy:The Impact of Private Financing | |
97 | Gopal K Kadekodi | Inclusive Development: A Paradigmic Analysis for Karnataka | |
96 | Devi G N | Myth, Science and Writing: A Valediction to Social sciences | |
95 | Dr R. K. Mishra, Dr Geeta Potaraju | The Experience of Decentralization in India | |
94 | Ravi Kanbur | The Role of the World Bank in Middle Income Countries | |
93 | Naregal Veena | Historicizing Development Discourse & Higher Education Policy in India | |
92 | K. L. Krishna | Glimpses of the Literature on International Inequality and Catch-up | |
91 | Vinod B. Annigeri | Education Accounts: A Tool for Managing Educational Finances Prototype for Discussion | |
90 | Prachitha J and Khalil Shah | Making of State Agricultural Policy: A Demonstration | |
89 | Sudarshan Iyengar, Nimisha Shukla | Financing Education in Gandhi’s Thought Perspective | |
88 | James Mayall | Liberalism, Nationalism and the Contemporary International Order | |
87 | V. R. Panchamukhi | Holistic Development: The Strategy for the New India | |
86 | Nayanatara S.Nayak, D. Rajasekhar Narayan Billava | Improving the Knowledge on the Functioning of Decentralized Governance: A Study of Grama Panchayat Presidents in Dharwad District, Karnataka | |
85 | Ravindra H. Dholakia | Sacrifice Ratio and Cost of Inflation for the Indian Economy | |
84 | M. H. Bala Subrahmanya | Small and Medium Enterprises Development in India Retrospect and Prospects | |
83 | Vinod B Annigeri | Inter-State Water Sharing: Cauldron of River Mahadayi (Kannada Version) | |
82 | Gopal K Kadekodi | Historical Thoughts on Property Rights on Women and Gender | |
81 | Liam Buckley | Anthropological Studies of Photographic Practice and the Aesthetics of Disinterest | |
80 | Shreelata Rao Seshadri | Linking Health, Nutrition and Education: Lessons for the future | |
79 | Vinod B.Annigeri | Inter-State Water Sharing: Cauldron of River Mahadayi | |
78 | Arunkumar R.Kulkarni | Contribution of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPS) to State Economy: A Case Study of Karnataka | |
77 | Vinod B. Annigeri Arunkumar R. Kulkarni Dattatreya. R. Revankar | Evaluation of Regional Development Boards of Karnataka | |
76 | Gopal K Kadekodi | Economics of Make in India | |
75 | K. Srinivasalu | Agrarian Crisis and Farmers’ Sucides : Reflecting on the Green Revolution Model | |
74 | Siddalingaswami V Hangodimath | Critical Analysis of Dr. D M Nanjundappa Committee Report and its Implementation | |
73 | Gopal K Kadekodi Siddalingaswami V Hangodimath | Relevance of Development for People to Vote | |
72 | Peter Rosner | From Mercantilism to the Austrian School Economics at the University of Vienna | |
71 | G. K. Kadekodi | Possibilities of Going on Green Economic path | |
70 | Vinish Kathuria, Rajesh Raj, Kunal Sen | The effects of Economic Reforms on Manufacturing Dualism: Evidence from India | |
69 | Prasannakumar Barik | Socio-Economic Implications from Indian ‘Banking’: An Empirical Appraisal Study | |
68 | Shiddu H and Abdul Aziz | District level Development Disparities in Karnataka | |
67 | P.S. Mundinmani | Mobilization of Finances by Panchayat Raj Institutions: A Comparative Study of Selected GP’s in North and South Karnataka Districts | |
66 | Nayanatara S. Nayak | Economic Feasibility of Alternative Biomass energy sources to Fuel wood in flue curing of Virginia Tobacco: an Accounting Exercise for a Tobacco growing region in India | |
65 | Vinish Kathuria, Rajesh Raj, Kunal Sen | Productivity Measurement in Indian Manufacturing : A Comparison of Alternative Methods | |
64 | G. K. Kadekodi | Converting Common Lands for Mining: Lessons from India | |
63 | Jai Prabhakar | S C Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Development in North Karnataka | |
61 | S. Puttaswamaiah | Financing Higher Education : A Study of Educational Loans | |
60 | Shiddalingaswami H and Raghavendra V K | Regional Disparities in Karnataka: A District Level Analysis of Growth and Development | |
59 | Shaji S. | Issues of Governance in the Service Delivery in North Karnataka: A Perspective | |
58 | Abdul Aziz and Siddalingaswami V Hangodimath | Implementation of D. M. Nanjundappa Committee Recommendations for Redressal of Regional Imbalance | |
57 | Prasannakumar Barik | Evaluation of Hedging Effectiveness for CNX Bank and Nifty Index Futures | |
56 | Sailabaladebi | Loan Financing to Higher Education: Experiences of Bank Financing In A Less Developed Region | |
55 | G. A. Tadas | Indian Banking – Challenges of Globalization | |
54 | R. R. Biradar and Shoukat Ali M | Institutional Credit Flow to Agriculture under Kisan Credit Card Scheme in India: Emerging Trends and Patterns | |
53 | P. Geetha Rani | An International Perspective on the Methods and Practices of Student Loans: Its Implications for India | |
52 | Sailabaladebi & E Mahesh | Development of Education of Scheduled Tribes in Orissa: The Role of PESA Act | |
51 | V. B. Annigeri | People’s Participation in Health Care Delivery :An Appraisal of Action Research | |
50 | Rajesh Raj | Structure, Employment and Productivity Growth in the Indian Unorganized Manufacturing Sector: An Industry Level Analysis | |
49 | Mihir K. Mahapatra | Societal Goals of Commercial Banks in India : Promise and Reality | |
48 | P. R. Panchamukhi, Puttaswamaiah S. | Morbidty status, utilisation and cost of treatment: a comparative study in the selected states : | |
47 | Manoj K. Dash & Arabinda Mishra | External assistance for health sector: trends and impact during economic reforms, with a special reference to Orissa | |
46 | Gopal K. Kadekodi, Mallesh N.S, Seema S. Hegde | What do the People say about Health Care Facilities? | |
45 | CMDR | National Social Science Policy (NSSP), 2003 – Adraft for consideration – CMDR | |
44 | Aravind M. Badiger, Nayanatara. S. N. Under the guidance of Gopal k. Kadekodi | Economic reforms and drug policy : a micro level analysis | No PDF |
43 | Rama Baru | Privatisation of Health Care in India with a special focus on Karnataka, Orissa & Maharashtra | |
42 | V B Annigeri | Health Sector Scenario in the States of Karnataka, Maharashtra & Orissa : Inter Temporal Data Analysis | |
40 | Nayanatara S. N. | Economic Reforms and Health Sector in India with special reference to Orissa, Karnataka and Maharashtra – Reflection from NSS 28th, 42nd and 52nd Rounds | |
39 | S. Puttaswamaiah | Economic Reforms and Health Sector : Some Lessons From International Experience | |
38 | Gopal.K. Kadekodi | Status of Health and Medical Care in India : A Macro Perspective | |
37 | Arbindo Mishra | Economic Reforms, Government finances and Public spending on Social Sector | No PDF |
36 | P.R.Pachamukhi & N.S.Nayak | Peoples participation in health “Repayment mechanism through helthcare cooperative” | |
35 | P. R. Panchamukhi | Social Sector Developments and Economic Reforms ” A Study with a Focus on the Education Sector” | |
34 | Sailabala Debi | Some Aspects Of Tobacco Cultivation: Empirical Evidence From Village Level Data | |
33 | Nayantara.S.N | Tobacco: National And International Perspectives (Based On Press Report) 1995-99 | |
32 | V.B.Annigeri | Tobacco Related Diseases: So Far So Bad | |
31 | Gopal.K. Kadekodi | Regional Disparity Revisited: The Case Of Karnataka | |
30 | P. R. Panchamukhi | Agricultural Diversification as a Tool for Tobacco Control. | |
29 | V. B. Annigeri | Control of Tobacco Cultivation. (Action and Reaction Are Equal and Not Opposite). | |
28 | Gopal K. Kadekodi | Valuation & Accounting for Environmental Resources. | |
27 | Gopal. K. Kadekodi | State of Development & Environment: Challenges for the next Century. | No PDF |
26 | Gopal K. Kadekodi | Root Causes of Bio-Diversity Losses in Chilika Lake | |
25 | Rajkumar Sen. & – K. C. Roy | Provision of Publish Health in Low Income Countries: (Problems, Reforms and Lessons for India) | |
24 | K. R. Shah | Inflation and Economic Growth: The Indian Expenditure | |
23 | A. R. Panchamukhi | Tobacco in Ancient Indian Literature | |
22 | Jayakumar Anagol | Primary Education Before and After Independence | |
21 | P. R. Panchamukhi | North-South Divide: Karnataka’s Development Scenario | |
20 | Gopal K. Kadekodi. | Participatory Development in the Midst of Economic Reforms Process? | |
19 | P. R. Panchamukhi. | Development Experience in the Indian Economy: Inter State Perspectives on Education and Health | |
18 | Suresh Kulkarni. | Liberalization, Ethnic Relations and Employment Opportunity: Some Theoretical Considerations | |
17 | Papers and Proceedings of a Seminar Organised by CMDR | Role of Banks in Rural Development – A Micro- level study (CMDR Study). | No PDF |
16 | Anil Mudbidri | Role of Dharwad in the Socio-Economic Reconstruction of North Karnataka | |
15 | P.Geetha Rani | Indian Macro-Econometric Models and Monetary Fiscal Nexus: A Survey | |
14 | P.R.Panchamukhi | Research in Economics of Education: A Thematic Trend Report | |
13 | V.R.Panchamukhi | An Integrated Paradigm for Development: Whether Development Process in the Asian Countries? | |
12 | V.R.Panchamukhi State, | Market and Planning: Crisis of Co-existence | |
11 | K.R.Shah | Issues Involved in the Privatisation of Health Services in India | |
10 | Muhammad Anisur Rehman, Bangladesh. | Can We Represent the People? | |
9 | Morbidity and Under-nutrition: Two Pilot Studies- CMDR, Dharwad. | Papers and Proceedings of a Seminar Organised by CMDR | No PDF |
8 | Fiscal Components of New Economic Policy and the Social Sector: Some Reflections | P.R.Panchamukhi | No PDF |
7 | K.Raghavendra Rao & P.R.Panchamukhi | Health and the Indian Constitution | |
6 | B.Siva Reddy | Subsidies to Higher Education: The Equity Issue | |
5 | P.K.Umashankar | A General Overview of the Implications of Liberalisation for the Education Sector | |
4 | Vasant Gumaste | Home-growing of Industrial Technologies: Did India Bite more than it could chew? | |
3 | Papers and Proceedings of a Seminar Organized by CMDR | Fiscal Management in the Indian Economy: Issues and Policy Options | |
2 | Jandhyala B.G.Tilak | Rural-Urban Inequalities in Education : A Study of Returns to Education, Human Capital Formation and Earnings Differentiation. | |