Doctoral Research

CMDR and its faculty members are recognized by Mangalore University-Mangalore, Kannada University- Hampi and Karnatak University- Dharwad for guiding Ph.D students.  Scholars pursuing their Ph.D from CMDR in the domain of Social Science affiliated to these universities. 

As a recognized Ph.D. Centre, CMDR plays a crucial role in guiding doctoral students through their research journey. Its primary responsibilities include providing mentorship, training in research methodologies, nurturing a conducive research environment, and promoting research excellence. CMDR also strives to stay updated with the latest research trends, maintain ethical standards, and contribute to the development of future generations of social scientists by generating new knowledge and insights.

In this background, CMDR is providing specialized training to the Ph.D students to enhance the capacity of Ph.D scholars regularly. Further, Centre proposes to provide an integrated academic support to these Ph.D students by providing the following capacity building activities for their benefit. 

  • Social Science Lecture Series under which eminent scholars would be invited to provide critical inputs to the Ph.D students. 
  • Quantitative techniques would be taught to them using the latest software like SPSS and SIGMAPLOT, etc.. 
  • Centre also organizes a series under the banner “Research Dialogue and Colloquium” wherein the Ph.D students would be asked to present their progress and future plans of their research before a panel of scholars.  This would enable them to fine tune their research agenda with the inputs from the scholars. 

List of Research Scholars completed their Ph.D Programme at CMDR

Sl.NoTitle of the ThesisName of the ScholarUniversitySupervisor (s)
1Returns to Education in       Sugar Co-operatives in Sangli District : An Economic Analysis(2000)Dr. Vandana  DandekarShivaji University Kolhapur, MaharashtraProf. P.R. Panchamukhi
2Financing of College Education in Goa(2001)Dr. Seema RathUtkal University Bhubaneswar, OrissaProf.P.R.PanchamukhiProf. Sailabala Debi
3A Socio-Economic Analysis of Mining industry : A Case Study Of Bicholim  Taluka in Goa(2002)Dr. G.S.F.L. MendesUtkal University Bhubaneswar, OrissaProf. P.R. Panchamukhi Prof. Sailabala Debi
4Rural Common Property Resources & Rural Poor: A Case Study of Dharwad District(2004)Dr. A.R. KulkarniMangalore    University, MangaloreKarnataka Prof. P. R.Panchamukhi
5Planning and Financing of Primary Education in the Indian Federal Financial Framework(2005)Dr. V.B. AnnigeriMangalore    University, MangaloreKarnatakaProf. P. R. Panchamukhi
6The Disparity in cost of Health and Medical care in Urban & Rural India: A Case Study of Karnataka(2005)Dr. M.S. Gubbewad Mangalore    University, MangaloreKarnatakaProf. P. R. Panchamukhi
7Burden of Alcoholism: A Socio-Economic Analysis(2006)Dr. N.S. Nayak Mangalore    University, MangaloreKarnatakaProf. P. R. Panchamukhi
8Developmental Role of Urban Co-operative Banks: With Special Reference to the  Sirsi Co-operative Bank(2008)Dr. S.K. HegdeMangalore    University, MangaloreKarnatakaProf. P. R. Panchamukhi
9Economics of Health Care in Goa  (2008)Dr. Sharmila Borker   Utkal University Bhubaneswar, OrissaProf. P. R. PanchamukhiProf. Sailabala Debi
10Empowerment of Women: A Strategy for Sustaining Gender Equality and Welfare- A Case Study from Karnataka(2009)Dr. Sanjeev D. Kenchaigol Mangalore    University, MangaloreKarnatakaProf.G.K.Kadekodi
11Financing Secondary Education in Karna-taka: An Application of System of Education Accounts (2011)
Dr. Mahesh E.(ICSSR Fellowship)Mangalore    University, MangaloreKarnatakaProf.Sailabala Debi
12Education for All : A Case study of the Tribals of KBK Districts of Orissa (2011)Dr. Atal Bihari Das(ICSSR Fellowship)Utkal UniversityBhubaneswar, OrissaProf A.Mohanthy &Prof.Sailabala Debi
13Role of Gram-panchayts in Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in Karna-taka: An Empirical Investigation (2012)Dr. Narayan Billava(ICSSR Fellowship)Kannada University, HampiKarnatakaDr. Nayanatara S. Nayak
16Community Based Water Shed Manage-ment and Poverty Elevation : An Evalu-ation of Sujala Watershed Project in Karnataka (2013)Dr. C.H. PatilKannada University, H0061mpiKarnatakaDr. Nayanatara S. Nayak
18Energy Use Pattern in Household Sector: A Comparative Study in Rural and Urban Areas             (2020-21)Dr. Smita BhaskarMangalore University, MangaloreProf. Nayanatara S Nayak
19Indian MNCs in the European Union: A case study of Tata Group(2020-21)Dr..Bhagyashree HiremathKarnatak University, DharwadProf. B.H.Nagoor Prof.V.B.Annigeri (Co-Guide)
20Gender Budgeting for Gender Development: A Study of Trends and Patterns in India and Karnataka(2023-24)Dr.. Parvati KalmadiKarnatak University, DharwadProf. ST.Bagalkoti Prof.V.B.Annigeri (Co-Guide)
21Fiscal Management by Indian State Governments (2023-24)Dr..Balakrishna BendreKarnatak University, DharwadDr. S.V. Hanagodimath
22Child Health Care Services in Karnataka : Accessibility & Utilisation(2023-24)Dr. Kalal AxataKarnatak University, DharwadDr. Arunkumar R Kulkarni
23Crop Insurance in India: A Study of Selected Districts in North Karnataka”(2023-24)Dr.Shanta MathapatiKarnatak University,DharwadProf. Nayanatara S.Nayak
24A Bio-cultural Study on Highest Incidence of Twins(2023-24)Pavan Ramesh TerdalKarnatak University,DharwadDr. Jai Prabhakar S C
25Storage and Warehousing of Agricultural Products in Karnataka: Accessibility and Utilization(2024-25)Nayana F PatilKarnatak University,DharwadDr. A R Kulkarni
26Production and Marketing of Agriculture Produce in Karnataka.(2024-25)Tammanagouda GoudarKarnatak University,DharwadDr.Nayanatara Nayak
27A Bio-Cultural Study on Endosulfan Pesticide Affected Victims of Karnataka.(2024-25)Ashok G PatilKarnatak University,DharwadDr. Jai Prabhakar S C
28Tourism in Karnataka: Challenges and Opportunities(2024-25)Jambayya NayakKarnatak University,DharwadDr. S V Hanagodimath
29Financing and growth of primary education in Kalyan Karnataka region(2024-25)Parashuram KavadimattiKarnatak University,DharwadDr. V B Annigeri
30Public Expenditure on Health in Karnataka(2024-25)Siddappa MaliKarnatak University,DharwadDr. V B Annigeri
31Education Accounts: An Investigation of Flow of Funds to Higher education in Karnataka(2024-25)Asma Jabeen MakandarKarnatak University,DharwadDr. V B Annigeri
List of Scholars Pursuing Ph.D. Degrees  
Sl. No.Scholar NameGuide NameTitleUniversityReg DateFull-time/Part-time
1Mookappa channadasarDr. A R KulkarniCultivation of Pomegranate and it s Impact on Income and Employment of FarmersKarnataka University, Dharwad13-12-2017Part-time
2Prathibha HosurDr. A R KulkarniGender Inequality in Higher Education in Karnataka : Causes and ConsequencesKarnataka University, Dharwad12-05-2018Full-time
3Basavaraj MahajanshettiDr. A R KulkarniEvaluation of Loan Waiver Scheme in Karnataka: A Study of Selected DistrictKarnataka University, Dharwad13-12-2017Part-time
4Shanmukha HiremathDr. A R KulkarniCorporate Social Responsibility: An Impact Study with Special Reference to KarnatakaKarnataka University, Dharwad05-12-2018Full-time
5BasavarajDr. A R KulkarniAn Economic Analysis of Millets Cultivation in Karnataka: A Case Study of Dharwad DistrictKarnataka University, Dharwad09-07-2021Full-time
6Sweta NilammanavarDr. A R KulkarniAn Analysis of Health Status of Women in Urban SlumsKarnataka University, Dharwad16-06-2023Full-time
7Veeresha HDr. A R KulkarniNew Admission: Attending courseworkKarnataka University, Dharwad31-12-2024Full-time
8R.R. BiradarDr.Nayanatara NayakFiscal Policy Reforms and their Impact on Fiscal Performance and Economic Development : An Analysis of Major States in IndiaMangaluru University13-7-2023 (Revised)Part-time
9Jyoti MogaveeraDr.Nayanatara NayakDecentralization and Womens Empowerment A Case Study of Udupi DistrictMangaluru University16-03-2017Part-time
10Saniya SDr.Nayanatara NayakProduction,Marketing and Export of indian Coffee in Pre and Post Liberilisation PeriodMangaluru University16-03-2017Part-time
11Chethana VeerabhadrappaDr.Nayanatara NayakAccessibility and Utilization of Maternal Health Care Services In Rural KarnatakaKarnataka University, Dharwad13-12-2017Full-time
13Basavaraj PundappanavarDr. Jai Prabhakar S CAn Anthological Study of Ageing and Wellbeing among Scheduled Tribes in Karnataka, IndiaKarnataka University, Dharwad08-12-2018Part-time
14Syed Abdul Qadir B. MakandarDr. Jai Prabhakar S CImpact of COVID-19 on the rural population of Dharwad District of Karnataka – An Anthropological StudyKarnataka University, Dharwad09-12-2019Full-time
15Maithili KarthikDr. Jai Prabhakar S CImpact of Maternal Nutritional Factors on the Health Status of Mother and Children: An Anthropological Study in the Soliga Tribes of Southern KarnatakaKarnataka University, Dharwad25-10-2022Part-time
16Pooja R KulkarniDr. Jai Prabhakar S CAdaptation and Variations among Mongoloids of Mundgod, Karnataka -An Anthropometric StudyKarnataka University, Dharwad09-12-2019Full-time
17Basavaraj M HubballiDr. S V HanagodimathGrowth, opportunities andchallenges in constructional sectorKarnataka University, Dharwad13-12-2017Part-time
18Smita M NattarDr. S V HanagodimathUnemployment among educated youth: A comparative analysis in rural and urban areasKarnataka University, Dharwad13-12-2017Full-time
19Hemashree KurabatalliDr. S V HanagodimathInfrastructure and Economic Development in IndiaKarnataka University, Dharwad13-12-2017Full-time
20BheemappaDr. S V HanagodimathRegional Imbalances in Rural Development in IndiaKarnataka University, Dharwad05-12-2018Part-time
21Deepa ManturDr. S V HanagodimathAn analysis of Regional Disparities in KarnatakaKarnataka University, Dharwad09-07-2021Part-time
22Geeta SandigodamathDr. S V HanagodimathAyurvedic Medical Tourism In KarnatakaKarnataka University, Dharwad07-09-2021Part-time
23Ramesh S HarakangiDr. V B AnnigeriAn Economic Analysis of Marketing of Horticulture Products: Pomegranates and GrapesKarnataka University, Dharwad2018Full-time
24Nayana PDr. V B AnnigeriHealth Accounts:An Investigation of Flow fo Funds for Health in a DistrictKarnataka University, Dharwad13-12-2017 Full time
25Nitinchandra MoreDr. V B AnnigeriA Study on Shadoe Education at Pre-University Level in North Karnataka: An Investigation at District LevelKarnataka University, Dharwad2017Part-time
26Savita MashibinalDr. V B AnnigeriSocial Security Benefits in North karnataka : Evaluation of indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme.Karnataka University, Dharwad13-12-2017Full-time
28Dattatri HanmanthDr. V B AnnigeriFinancing and growth of higher education in Hyderabad Karnataka regionKarnataka University, Dharwad13-12-2017 Full-time