Library and Documentation

CMDR library is one of the leading social science research libraries in North Karnataka with a large collection of books, theses, reports, CDs, World Bank collections, Journals back volumes, working papers and occasional papers.

Library follows Dewey decimal classification scheme for the classification and arrangement of the documents. It is fully computerised with latest software LIBSYS 7.0 for housekeeping operations and also it provides Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) for its users.

The collection of the Library is rich and diverse, especially in the field of Economics, Health Economics, Tobacco studies, AIDS/HIV, Economics of Education, Environmental Economics Water and Sanitation, Panchayat Raj, Women Empowerment, Rural and Urban Development, Dalit Studies, Tribal Studies, Indian Knowledge System (IKS) and in the multi-disciplinary fields. Library has over 31660 printed documents and subscribes to 52 National and International journals. 

A separate collection of research papers (reprints) authored by some of the leading social scientists has also been preserved.

Library subscribes to E-resources: – EPW, Sage online, EBSCO EconoLit with full text, DELNET Online, JSTOR and ONOS India.

Online Statistical Data Bases: Prowess IQ- CMIE and EPWRF- Times Series Data  


CMDR faculty, research scholars and the staff can become regular members. The library is also open to other academic users and research scholars from outside for reference work. Such visitors are requested to bring the letter from their Librarian.

Working Hours:

The library is open on all working days from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm. It remains close all Saturdays, Sundays and on all public holidays.

Library Services:

  • Reference Services
  • Bibliographic Services
  • Current Awareness Services
  • News Paper Clippings
  • Photocopy Services

Library Documents Collections


Current Journals Alphabetic List

Sl.No.        Journal Details
1Action Research
2American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
3American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
4American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
5American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
6American Economic Review
7Book Review
8Contemporary Education Dialogue
9Contribution to Indian Sociology
10Down to Earth
11Economic and Political Weekly
12Economic Development and Cultural Change
13Economic Development Quarterly
14Gandhi Marg
16IER Journal of Health and Demography
17India Quarterly: A journal of international affairs
18Indian Economic Journal
19Indian Economic Review
20Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics
21Indian Journal of Gender Studies
22Indian Journal of Human Development
23Indian Journal of Labour Economics
24Indian Journal of Public Administration
25Indian Journal of Regional Science
26Journal of Anthropological Survey of India
27Journal of Developing Societies
28Journal of Economic Literature
29Journal of Economic Perspective
30Journal of Educational Planning and Administration
31Journal of Health Management
32Journal of Indian Anthropological Society
33Journal of Indian School of Political Economy
34Journal of Quantitative Economics
35Journal of Rural Development
36Journal of Social and Economic Development
37Journal of South Asian Development
38Man and Development
39Man and Life
40Man in India
42Review of Development and Change
43Social Action
44Social Change
45Sociological Bulletin
46Sociology of Education
47South Asian Anthropologist
48Southern  Economist
49Studies in Indian Politics
50The Eastern Anthropologist
51University News

E-Resources and Statistical Databases

JSTOR ( : JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million journal articlesbooksimages, and primary sources in 75 disciplines. It includes 2,800 top scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. It works with nearly 1,200 publishers from more than 57 countries. It covers 100,000 ebooks from 250+ renowned scholarly publishers.

EBSCO EconoLit ( : EconLit with Full Text is the most reliable full-text database for economic research. It offers full-text journals, including the American Economic Association journals. It also contains all of the indexing in EconLit, which adheres to the high-quality JEL classification system for economics literature. In addition to all 1.9 million records available in EconLit, this database provides full text for key economic journals.

EPW ( : The Economic and Political Weekly is a weekly peer-reviewed academic journal covering all social sciences, and is published by the Sameeksha Trust. 

SAGE ( : SAGE is a leading international provider of innovative, high-quality content publishing more than 900 journals and over 800 new books each year, spanning a wide range of subject areas. CMDR is procuring only 20 journals.

ONOS India ( : One Nation One Subscription scheme to provide country-wide access to international high impact scholarly research articles and journal publications to students, faculty and researchers of all Higher Education Institutions managed by the central government and state governments and Research & Development Institutions of the central government.

EPWRF – Time Series Data ( : EPW Research Foundation has built the based on the core values – ACCURACY, TIMELINESS and COMPLETENESS and is a unique online database with its comprehensive coverage of Indian economy for a fairly long time period and it comprises over a lakh variables capsuled in 37 modules. The database tries to provide in continuous time series from 1950 depending on the availability.

The database is well accepted by the research community in India as well as abroad.

Prowess IQ- CMIE ( : Prowess is a database of the financials of Indian companies. Annual Reports of companies is the most important source of this database. For listed companies, the Prowess database contains additional data sourced from the stock exchanges. ProwessIQ provides time-series data beginning 1989-90. The database is updated on a continuous basis.  It is the largest and most comprehensive database on the financial performance of Indian business entities.

DELNET ( : DELNET-Developing Library Network, New Delhi is a major resource sharing library Network in India connecting more than 9000 institutions in 28 States and 8 Union Territories in India and few other countries comprising of Universities, Colleges, R&D organizations. The main objectives of DELNET is to promote resource sharing among the Member-Libraries by collecting, storing and disseminating information and by offering networked library services to users.

DrillBit Plagiarism: DrillBit is a global checker that uses AI to catch sophisticated forms of plagiarism.