Nayanatara Subrao Nayak

QualificationPh. D., Economics : Mangalore University, Karnataka
DepartmentCentre for Multi-Disciplinary Development Research

Personal Information


Academic Profile

Dr. Nayanatara Nayak has attained Ph. D for her doctoral study in Economics from Mangalore
University, Mangalore for the thesis on the theme “Burden of Alcoholism.” She has done her
M.A. and M. Phil from Karnataka University, Dharwad. She has experience of conducting and
guiding research in multi disciplinary areas including health, environment, decentralization,
water resources, tobacco control and alcohol related issues.

Work Profile

She is recognized as a guide for doctoral studies in Economics from three universities in
southern India including Mangalore University, Mangalore, Kannada University, Hampi and
Karnatak University, Dharwad. She is involved in empirical and action research, capacity
building, training and doctoral guidance.
She has worked on health sector issues on projects funded by Ford Foundation, American Cancer
Society, Bloomberg Foundation, WHO, IDRC Canada, University of California, Berkeley,
World Bank, IDPAD, Netherlands, Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, USA, the University of
Massachusetts Amherst, USA, the University of North Carolina, USAID, Ministry of Rural
Development, Government of India, ICSSR, Agriculture Price Commission, Government of
Karnataka, etc., as a member of the research team as well as an independent researcher. The
poster presentation on “Provisioning of 24x7water supply to the entire town through Public
Private Partnership: A pioneering attempt by Ilkal town in Karnataka” made jointly with Dr,
Narayan Billava at the International Conference on Water Management and Climate Change2023 at WALMI, Dharwad received reviewers’ first prize in 2024. She has been a member of the
research team of CMDR, which received the World Health Organisation’s the World No
Tobacco Day Award-2023 for South East Asia Region for research in tobacco control.

Honours and Awards

  • Academic scholarship for college education (for out-standing performance in sports and
    for representing Karnataka State in National Sports Meets)[1980- 1982].
  • ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship for the period 2003-2005.
  • Sir Ratan Tata Fellowship for undertaking research study executed through Institute for
    Social and Economic Change, Bangalore [2005-06]
  • South Asian Network for Environmental Economics (SANDEE), Nepal-Research Grant
  • Short-Term Visiting Scholar for Global Tobacco Control Leadership Programme at the
    Institute for Global Tobacco Control (IGTC), Bloomberg School of Public Health at the
    Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA [July 2011]

Doctoral Theses Guided

Awarded -5; On-going-5


Publications – 72

Books: 2; Journal Articles: 31; Reports:8 ; Chapters in Books:12; Media articles: 6; Conference
proceedings:5; Book reviews:1; Monographs-7


  1. Decentralised Governance and Planning in India: Its Impact on Economic Development and
    Social Justice” by Concept Publishing, New Delhi – February 2023 [Edited by N.Sivanna,
    Narayan Billava, Nayanatara S.Nayak- ISBN:978-93-5594-208-1].
  2. Common Property Water Resources- Dependence and Institutions in India’s Villages’
    Published by TERI Press, New Delhi, June 2008 [ Arabind Mishra, Nayanatara S.Nayak,
    Pranab M. and Rucha Ghate]


[2015 onwards]

  • Nayanatara Nayak and Narayana Billava (2024)“Damasha, an Innovative Traditional
    Practice in Sharing Water from a Common Pool: A Case of Two Villages from
    Chikkaballapur District in Karnataka” Bihar Journal of Public Administration, Vol. XXI No.
    2, July-Dec 2024).
  • Biradar R.R. and Nayanatara S.Nayak (2024) Impact of Public Expenditure on Economic
    Growth, Humanities and Social Science Studies, Vol. 13, Issue 1, No. 6:124-133.
  • Biradar R.R. and Nayanatara S. Nayak (2024) Fiscal Responsibility and Budget
    Management Act 2003: Insights from a brief review–Arthshastra, Indian Journal of
    Economics and Research, Vol 13 (4):159-163.
  • Narayana Billava, Jai Prabhakar S.C. & Nayanatara S. Nayak (2024) “Empowerment
    through reservation: Experience of scheduled tribe gram panchayat members in
    Karnataka”, Mahila Pratishta [Vol 9 (4): 11-20ISSN 2454-7891].
  • Kulkarni A.R., Nayanatara S. Nayak, Siddalingaswami V. Hanagodimath (2024)“Value
    Chain Analysis for Tobacco in Karnataka;” Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol
    78 (4):643-657 [ISSN: 2582- 7510].
  • Nayanatara. S. Nayak, Arunkumar R Kulkarni and Siddalingaswami V. Hanagodimath
    (2024) “Economics of Bidi Rolling in India: Household level Insights”, Health
    for the Millions, Vol. 49 (2): 44-50, Voluntary Health Association of India, New Delhi
    [ISSN: 0970 -8685].
  • Nayanatara S. Nayak, E. Vidhubala, Radhika Khajuria, Praveen Sinha (2023) “Alternate
    livelihoods for bidi rollers and tobacco farmers” article published as subchapter for the
    “Report on Tobacco Control in India” New Delhi, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
    Govt of India, Hriday, WHO.
  • Narayan Billava and Nayanatara Nayak (2022) Tracking Scale-Up of Continuous Water
    Services in Hubli-Dharwad, Karnataka: Discussion on Sustenance Issues Global Journal of
    Human Social Science, USA 22 (1): 48-55.
  • Emily Kumpel, Narayan Billava, Nayanatara Nayak, Ayse Ercumen (2022) “Water use
    behaviors and water access in intermittent and continuous water supply areas during the
    COVID-19 pandemic” Journal of Water Health, 20 (1): 139–
  • Narayan Billava and Nayanatara Nayak (2022) “Political Empowerment of Women and the
    Marginalised in India” Journal of Local Government Quarterly, 91(2):6-25 [ISSN: 0024-
  • Nayak Nayanatara, Narayan Billava, Ashalata K.V. (2020):“Agriculture Insurance’s
    outreach constrained by Procedural delays and Norms: Reflections from North Karnataka,
    India” Research on World Agricultural Economy, Vol. 1(1):39-49 [ISSN: 2737-4777].
  • Nayak Nayanatara (2018) “Estimates of Tobacco-dependent Employment in India”
    Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 53, Issue No. 40:58-62.
  • Nayanatara Nayak, Amita Shah, Fahimuddin S., Indranil Bose, L. Venkatachalam,
    N.L.M.Reddy (2019) Challenges in shifting from tobacco: Perceptions of tobacco growers
    from major tobacco growing states in India” Journal of Public Health and Tobacco (Special
    Edition), Consortium for Tobacco Free Karnataka & Mazumdar Shaw Medical Centre,
  • Ray, I., N. Billava, Z. Burt, J. Colford Jr., A. Ercumen, K.P. Jayaramu, E. Kumpel, Nayak
    N., K. Nelson, C. Woefle-Erskine (2018). From intermittent to continuous water supply: A
    multi-dimensional evaluation of water system reforms from Hubli-Dharwad, Karnataka.
    Economic and Political Weekly, 53 (49).
    [ 151218_RUA_Isha_Ray.pdf].
  • Nayak N., Billava N., Arcumen A., Kumpe E., Nelson K., and Burt Z. (2018), Conversion
    from Intermittent to continuous water supply (24 x7) in Hubli-Dharwad twin cities
    Discourse on Governance and Sustenance Issues, Editors: Niti Mehta and Anita Arya,
    Academic Foundation, New Delhi
  • Nayak Nayanatara, Fahimuddin, Indranil Bose, Karabi M. Majumdar, L.Venkatachalam,
    Narasimha Reddy (2017) Coping with the Loss of Bidi Employment: Voices of Bidi Rollers
    in India, Health for Millions, VHAI, New Delhi.
  • Nayak N. Alternatives to Flue Cured Virginia Tobacco Cultivation: Preliminary
    Observations from a Tobacco Growing Region in India. Curr Agri Res 2015:3(1):26-41.
  • Narayan Billava and Nayanatara Nayak (Dec 2016) “Empowerment of Women
    Representatives in Panchayati Raj Institutions: A Thematic Review, Journal of Politics &
    Governance, Vol 5, Issue No 4:5-18 [ISSN: 2278473X (Print) 2456-8023 (Online) DOI:
  • Bhubaneswar Sabar, Nayanatara S Nayak and Lalit Achoth (2016)‘Tendu Leaf Collection in
    India: Livelihood, Rights and Challenges in Alternative to Tobacco Dependent
    Employment-Evidences from Five Indian States,’ Journal of Governance & Public Policy,
    Vol.6 (1):106-123.
  • Sivanna, N, Nayak N.S., Billava N. Hunagund V.T (2017): Direct vs. Indirect Election to
    Gram Panchayat Presidents: Reflections and Implications, Journal of Rural Development
    (NIRDPR), 36 (2): 255-268.
  • Mark J Travers, Nayanatara S Nayak, Vinod B Annigeri, N Narayan Billava (2015) “Indoor
    air quality due to secondhand smoke: Signals from selected hospitality locations in rural and
    urban areas of Bangalore and Dharwad districts in Karnataka, India” Indian Journal of
    Cancer, Vol 52 (4); 708-713.
  • Billava, N. and Nayak, N. (2015) Article on “Impact of Poor Water Supply and Sanitation on
    Households in Rural Areas A Case Study from Karnataka, India” in K.P.Kumaran edited
    ‘Flagship Programmes: Impact, Problems and Challenges Ahead’ NIRDPR, Hyderabad,
  • Billava, N. and Nayak, N. Guttikar, S.(2015) “Role of Gram Panchayats in Rural Water
    Supply: An Empirical Study from Karnataka”, Praveen Sing K. edited Community Based
    Water Management in Rajasthan: Forgotten Glory or Future Hope, Indira Gandhi
    Panchayati Raj & Gramin Vikas Sansthan (I.G.P.R. & G.V.S.), Rajasthan, India.

Participation in National & International Seminars and Workshops

She has presented papers and participated in about 76 national workshops/seminars organized in
India and 28 international events organized in SAARC countries, USA, Australia, Singapore,
Canada, Thailand, and Switzerland as paper presenter, panelist, and reviewer and has contributed
to the preparation of ‘Recommendations’ with regard to FCTC Article 17 & 18 for the COP7
held at New Delhi in 2016 and presented the case for Tobacco Farming in India in the “Inter
Country Consultation on Alternative Livelihoods to Tobacco farmers and Workers” held in Sri
Lanka in March 2017.

Projects completed in 2023 & 2024

1.Project Title: “Voices of Farmer Champions as Advocacy Tool for Alternative Crops to
Tobacco: Sharing Best Practices among Fellow Farmers, Media and Decision
Funding: Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (CTFK), Washington DC, USA
Period: 11.1.2022- 31.3.2024
PIs: Nayanatara S.Nayak, Dr. Rudra Narayan Mishra, Dr. Fahimuddin, Dr. Indranil Bose, Dr.

2. Project Title: “The Consumer Impact Assessment of “JALASIRI” Continuous
Water Supply (24×7) in Ranebennur City Under AMRUT”
Funding: Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation (KUIDFC), Government
of Karnataka
Period: 1.6.2023- 30.11.2023
PIs: Narayan Billava & Nayanatara S.Nayak

3. Project Title: “Baseline Survey to assess impact evaluation of moving from IWS to CWS in
Hubballi-Dharwad, Belagavi, and Kalaburagi cities”
Funding: Athena Infonomics India Pvt Ltd. Chennai (World Bank sponsored)
Period: 1.8.2023- 31.12.2023
PIs: Narayan Billava & Nayanatara S.Nayak

4. Project Title: “Conversion from Intermittent to continuous water supply (24 x 7) through
Public-Private Partnership (PPP): Investigating Governance and Sustenance
Issues in Karnataka, India
Funding: USAID/National Academies of Sciences, Washington D.C., USA.
Period: 1.1.2020- 31.3.2023
PIs: Nayanatara S. Nayak, Emily Kumpel, Narayan Billava, Ayse Ercumen and Zachary Burt