Founder’s Day Lecture


Endowment in the Memory of Vidyaratna ShriR.S.Panchamukhi, The Founder President

An Endowment in the memory of late VidyaratnaShriR.S.Panchamukhi, Founder President, CMDR, has been created with the financial contributions from Prof.P.R. Panchamukhi. Distinguished social scientists are invited every year to deliver the Founder’s day lecture on socially/economically relevant themes.

A Brief Account of Founder’s Day lectures held at the Centre in respectful memory of

Vidyaratna Shri R.S.Panchamukhi, Founder President, CMDR, Dharwad.

Sl. NoDateTitle of the LectureLecture Delivered by
124.2.2010Socio- Economic Life During KalyanaChalukyasDr.H.S.Gopala Rao Eminent Historian, Bangalore.
222.10.2011Rethinking on Human Behaviour in Economics; Gandhian perspectivesDr.SudarshanIyengar Vice-Chancellor, GurajatVidyapeet, Ahmedabad
328.1.2013Integrating Economics With EthicsDr. M. V. Nadkarni Member, Governing Council, CMDR,Former Chairman, Governing Council, CMDR Former Vice-Chancellor, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga
424.10.2013Recent Relevant Methodological Approaches to Socio-Economic Analysis of Development ProcessDr.Dilip Dutta Associate Professor of Economics & Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Director, South Asian Studies Group, the University of Sydney, Australia & Editor International Journal of Development Issues.
54.12. 2014Nationalism, Democracy and Development: The Contemporary Indian SceneProf.Amit Bhaduri Professor Emeritus, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and Visiting Research Professor, University of Goa
624.08.2015Ancient Indian Wisdom and Holistic DevelopmentProf. V. R. Panchamukhi Founder Member, CMDR and Chancellor, Sri Gurusarvabhouma Sanskrit Vidyapeetham, Mantralayam (AP)
71.2.2017Small & Medium Enterprise Development In India: Retrospect and ProspectsDr M H BalaSubrahmanya, Professor, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
815.2.2018Anthropological Approach To People-Centric Development PolicyProf. R. K. Mutatkar, Chairman, Indian Association of Human Behaviour and Former First Head of Department of Anthropology and First Director, Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences, SavitribaiPhule Pune University
922.2.2019Historical Perspective on Global Imbalances and Financial CrisisMr. Saite Lu Department of Development Studies, Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge Dr.D.C.Pavate Fellow, Karnatak University, Dharwad.
1024.11.2020Pre-Koutilyan Period: Crucible Of Proto-Economic Ideas and PracticesProf. Satish Y. Deodhar Professor of Economics Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
1118.1.2024“Education Policy 2020: Implications for the Next Generation”Prof.Anjali Bajpayee, Honorary Professor, CMDR and Dean, Faculty of Education, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi