Shri Abdul Nazir Sab Panchayat Raj Chair
CMDR has been accorded a chair in the name of Abdul Nazir Sab who was the crusader of rural development and worked hard to provide drinking water to villages in Karnataka. Government of Karnataka has provided financial assistance to CMDR for establishing a Chair in the name of Shri Abdul Nazir Sab at the Centre (Financial year 2010-11). The activities of the Chair began in 2012 under the guidance of an Advisory Committee constituted by CMDR for the purpose of guiding and monitoring the activities of the unit. Since the available resources under the endowment created under the Chair are insufficient to meet the establishment costs, administrative costs, research and maintenance expenses, CMDR has been striving hard to complete the tasks promised under the Chair to fulfill its research and academic objectives. The main objective of the Chair is to undertake studies on Panchayat Raj system and to create awareness about decentralization process and guide the Panchayats in planning and monitoring the implementation of development programmes at grass root level on a regular basis.
To develop Abdual Nazir Sab Panchayat Raj Chair as Centre of Excellence by making it a reference point for decentralization and Panchayat Raj activities.
The following activities are proposed to be taken up by ANS Chair in the coming years:
Capacity Building
- Need based on- site training at gram panchayat level to enhance capacity levels of elected representatives through participation in gram sabha, panchayat meetings, ward committees, standing committees, Self Help Group Meetings, etc.
- Developing modules of training panchayat members
- Arranging platform for dialogues with Panchayat Development Officers, GP Presidents, Secretaries, Taluk Panchayat Presidents, Planning Officers of Zilla Panchayat, etc. to facilitate coordination, dissemination of information on central and state programmes allotted to gram panchayats, role of Taluk Panchayat, budget allocation, utilization, etc.
Financial/ E-literacy
- It is well known that India is moving towards digitalization. Enrolment for government programmes, application for exams, educational courses, etc, are being executed online. Life and health insurance programmes and even the subsidies for LPG are routed through public sector banks. In urban areas cash depositing, withdrawal of cash and entry of passbooks is done online. The digitalization of banking system and inevitability of financial transactions through banks made mandatory by government demands financial and e-literacy. The rural areas would also be covered gradually under this net. Panchayat officials and elected representatives mainly the Presidents are required to have complete knowledge of banking system and online transactions. But, there is no systematic mechanization to train ruralites, majority of who are illiterate and ignorant in e-banking and e-governance. Although elected representatives get a chance to attend training programmes organized by government of Karnataka, they are insufficient lasting for 2-3 days without transfer of in-depth knowledge. Therefore, the decentralization unit at CMDR aims to create this atmosphere in rural areas through partnership with panchayats, banks, youth organizations and the government of Karnataka.
- Undertaking conceptual and empirical research on decentralization and related issues and develop evidence based information for policy initiatives
- Setting the stage for social auditing in selected gram panchayats as demonstrative models for the entire state
- Compilation and comparison of decentralized system in different states and countries to learn and draw lessons for Karnataka
Action Research
- Evolving self sustained gram panchayats- Grass root level experiment with selected gram panchayats in Dharwad and Raichur districts
- Guiding gram panchayats to mobilize their own resources and enhance their resource base.
- Strengthening and activating Gram Sabha for village level mapping of activities and planning through presentation and participation of community through awareness campaigns
- Institutional arrangement involving Zilla Panchayat, respective gram panchayats, Department of Economics, Karnataka University, Dharwad and CMDR to plan and develop need based infrastructural facilities in villages, create awareness on personal hygiene and sanitation and promote community participation through NSS programmes on regular basis.
- Motivating village youth, SHGs and women’s organizations to come together and join hands with gram panchayat in collection of taxes, user charges and in implementing social forestry, sanitation and social welfare.
- Dissemination of Best Practices through Interactive learning process [visits to model panchayats, interactive sessions, field demonstration and discussions]
- Organising and facilitating national and international seminars and conferences, colloquiums on grass root level studies and contemporary issues in decentralization and Panchayat Raj
Symposium/Public Lectures
- Organising symposium involving researchers, public functionaries and media with elected representatives of Panchayat Raj System on budget, planning, central/ state schemes, mobilization and utilization of gram panchayat resources, collection of user charges, community involvement, etc.
- Networking with research institutes of similar nature and departments of Panchayat Raj in different states for exchange of ideas and expertise
- Inter-institutional collaboration for organizing training programmes, undertaking research studies, developing tools for self governance and strengthening Panchayat system
Policy Initiatives
- Making efforts to realize the recommendations into policy tools through follow-up and interaction with decision makers
Other Activities
- CMDR has started the practice of identifying best practices among gram panchayats and honours the panchayats or their representatives for their achievement. These panchayats are recognized as models and, CMDR arranges interaction of elected representatives of other gram panchayats with the above. The representatives of these panchayats are invited to CMDR for interaction and sharing their experience. Field visits to these panchayats for visual demonstration are arranged by CMDR for the elected gram panchayat representatives.
- Publication of demand driven user friendly reference materials, reports, documentaries, programme lists and manuals with information on funding, sources, procedures, etc., will be made available from time to time through print, digital and online media.