CMDR’s Capacity Building Programmes

Research Methodology Courses

CMDR is known for its very effective research methodology courses conducting regularly. In regions where social science research is not so much high on agenda of the educational institutions and where much is desired so far as the rigorous research initiatives are concerned research methodology courses of the type organized by CMDR would play a great role in motivating young post graduates into undertaking serious social science research studies. We have discovered from our fairly extended experience of organizing research methodology courses that there is no dearth for a desire to taking up social science research in the region. Being a research organization of the region we have a tremendous responsibility in promoting the research interests in the region.

Capacity Building Programmes For Elected Representatives For Efficient Governance

CMDR organizes capacity building programmes for the elected representatives from Karnataka for Panchayat and Urban Local body representatives regarding say, different aspects of the budget, resource mobilisation planning process, availability of services to the poor, etc. Such programmes would have their impact on the quality of debates in the panchayat meetings and municipal body meetings and overall development.