Studies Completed

List Of Studies Completed

Sl. No.TitleSponsoring AgencyProject Leader (s) / Coordinators / Organization
121Evaluation of NREGA in Dharwad District (2015)Dr. D. M. Nannjundappa Chair, sponsored by Govt of KarnatakaG.K. Kadekodi Shiddalingaswami H
120Health Status And Infrastructure: A District Level Analysis of Karnataka (2015)Dr. D. M. Nannjundappa Chair, sponsored by Govt of KarnatakaShiddalingaswami H., H. Keshava Murthy & D. R. Revankar
119Formulation of Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy Framework for Upper Krishna Project Stage-III (2015)Krishna Bhagya Jala Nigama (KBJNL), Bangalore.Pushpa Trivedi
118Preparation of Distrcit Human Development Report of Koppal District (2015)Department of Planning, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore.Pushpa Trivedi
117Preparation of District Human Development Report of Karwar District (2015)Department of Planning, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore.Pushpa Trivedi
116Past Presidents of Grama Panchayats : Life After Relinquishing ‘Power’ (2015)Abdul Nazir Sab Panchayat Raj ChairD. Rajasekhar & Nayanatara S. Nayak & Narayana Billava
115Efficacy of Affirmative Action Policies in India’s Education System: A Study of Scheduled Caste in Karnataka (2015)Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New DelhiJai Prabhakar S.C.
114Child Plan for Gadag District in Karnataka (2015)DCPO, GadagA. R. Kulkarni
113Barriers to Growth Among Informal Sector Enterprises in India (2014)Asian Institute of Management Policy Center & International Development Research Centre, Makati City, PHILIPPINESRajesh Raj S.N.
112Decentralized Democracy – Gandhi’s Vision and Indian Reality (2014)Abdul Nazir Sab Panchayat Raj ChairM.V. NadkarniM. SivannaLavanya S.
111General Agreement on Trade in Services and India’s Service Sector (2014)Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New DelhiShiddalingaswami H
110Options for Diversification in Tobacco Farming, Bidi Rolling and Tendu Leaf Plucking in India,(2014)IDRC, CanadaNayanatara S NayakLalit AchothBhubaneswar SabarAmith ShahFahimuddinIndranil BoseKarabi M. MajumdarNarasimha ReddyRucha GhateL. VenkatachalamSomeshekar DabaliD.R.RevankarNarayan Billava
109Formulation of Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy Framework for Upper Krishna Project Stage-III (2013)Krishna Bhagya Jala Nigama (KBJNL), Bangalore.Pushpa Trivedi
108Occupational Health Situation of Working Street Children : A Case Study in Karnataka>(2013)Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New DelhiJai Prabhakar S.C.
107Provision and Utilisation of Rural Sanitation : A Case Study of Karnataka (2013)Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New DelhiA. R. Kulkarni & Narayana Billava
106Adaptable Livelihood : Coping with Food Insecurity Among Primitive Tribal Groups in Karnataka (2013)Under Tribal Sub Plan Fund of Govt. of KarnatakaBhubaneswar Sabar
105How Important are Credit Constraints for Small Firm Growth ? Evidence from the Indian Manufacturing Sector,(2012-13)International Growth Centre (IGC), London. U.K.>Kunal Sen & Rajesh Raj S.N.
104Impact Evaluation of Conversion from Intermittent to Continuous Water Supply in Hubli-Dharwad, India(2012-13)University of California, Berkeley, USA.Nayanatara S. Nayak, Narayana Billava, Zachary Burt, Kara Nelson, Emily Kumpel & Ayse Ercumen
103Evaluation Study of Irrigation Projects Supported Under RIDF in Karnataka.(2012-13)National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), MumbaiA. R. Kulkarni, Shiddalingaswami H. & D.R. Revankar
102Pros and Cons of Direct Election to Gram Panchayat President Post(2012-13)Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department, Govt. of KarnatakaP. R. Panchamukhi, Nayanatara S. Nayak, V. T. Hungund, Narayana Billava, N. Sivanna, Gopinath Reddy, Ganesh Prasad, Upendra Singh & Madhusudan Bandi
101Diversification from tobacco farming and bidi rolling Documentation of research and action interventions in India (2012-13)Ministry of Human Resource Development (MoHFW) & World Health Organization (WHO)Nayanatara S. Nayak & Praveen Kumar Sindhe
100An Evaluation of the CWSN Activities in Raichur District (2012-13)Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) – KarnatakaV. B. Annigeri, A. R. Kulkarni & D. R. Revankar
99Health and Healthcare Practices among Tribal communities of Karnataka: An Anthropological Study (2012)Under Tribal Sub Plan Fund of Govt. of KarnatakaJai Prabhakar S. C.
98Inclusive Growth and The Role of BanksCanara Bank EndowmentN. G. Chachadi
97Socio-Economic Implications from Indian ‘Banking’: An Empirical Appraisal StudyCanara Bank EndowmentPrasannakumar Barik
96Mobilization of Finances by Panchayat Raj Institutions : A Comparative Study of Selected GP’s in North and South Karnataka DistrictsCanara Bank EndowmentP. S. Mundinmani
95Critical Analysis of Dr. Nanjundappa Committee ReportDr. D. M. Nannjundappa Chair, sponsored by Govt of KarnatakaShiddalingaswami H.
94District Level Development Disparities in Karnataka>Dr. D. M. Nannjundappa Chair, sponsored by Govt of KarnatakaAbdul Aziz & Shiddalingaswami H.
93DISE Validation Study 2010-11Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan- Karnataka, Govt. of Karnataka (2011)V. B. Annigeri
92Training Module for the Orientation of GP Personnel on various centrally and State Sponsored SchemesUnited Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Hyderabad, (2011)Shaji S. Jai & Prabhakar S. C.
91Economic Reforms and the Evolution of Productivity in Indian Manufacturing FirmsEconomic and Social Research Council (ESRC), United Kingdom (2011)Rajesh Raj S.NKunal SenVinish Kathuria
90Efficacy of Common Property Water Resources for Drinking : A Comparative Study in Selected Panchayats in KarnatakaIndian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi (2011)A. R. Kulkarni
89Developing District Health Accounts from a Blank SheetIndian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi (2011)V. B. Annigeri
88Substituting Flue Cured Virginia (cigarette) Tobacco: Economic Viability and Challenges–Preliminary Observations from FCV tobacco growing region in IndiaIndian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi (2011)Nayanatara S. Nayak
87Productivity and Efficiency of Unorganized Manufacturing SectorIndian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi (2011)Rajesh Raj S.N.Suresh Babu M,
86Air Quality Monitoring for Indoor Environmental Tobacco Smoke Signals from Selected Hotels, Restaurants and Bars in Bangalore and Dharwad Districts in KarnatakaCampaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, Washington DC, USA (2011)Nayanatara S Nayak & V.B. Annigeri
85State-Business Relations in India: Macro EconometricsImproving Institutions for pro-poor Growth, University of Manchester, United Kingdom Year (2010)Rajesh Raj S. N., Vinish Kathuria & Kunal Sen
84Regional Imbalances in Karnataka : A District Level AnalysisGovt. of KarnatakaShiddalingaswamy H. & Raghavendra Kolhar
83Socio-Cultural Dimensions Of Development In North KarnatakaGovt. of KarnatakaJaiprabhakar S. C.
82Banking and Development : Observations in Reforms’ eraGovt. of KarnatakaPrasanna Kumar Barik
81Issues of Governance in Service Delivery in North KarnatakaGovt. of KarnatakaShaji S.
80Implementation of D.M. Nanjundappa Committee Recommendation for Redressal of Regional BalancesGovt. of KarnatakaAbdul Aziz & Shiddalingaswami H.
79Tools for Developing Database for Better Decentralized Governance : A Socio Economic Survey of Hubli-DharwadE-Governance DPAR,Govt. of Karnataka(Year 2010)V. B. Annigeri, A. R. Kulkarni & D. R. Revankar
78An Evaluation of Effectiveness of Nali-Kali Programme in Karnataka StateSarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Govt. of Karnataka (Year 2010)V. B. Annigeri, A. R. Kulkarni & D.R. Revankar
77Loan Financing to Higher Education : Experiences of Bank Financing in a Less Developed RegionCanara BankSailabala Debi
76An International Perspective of the Methods and Practices of Student Loans : Its Implication for IndiaCanara BankGeeta Rani
75Financial Inclusion and Rural Money Market- Miles Travelled and Miles to GoCanara BankSubhash Seraphim
74Indian Banking – Challenges of GlobalizationCanara BankG. A. Tadas
73Financing For Education In India: An Analysis of Educational LoansCanara BankPuttaswamaiah S.
72Institutional Credit Flow for Agricultural Development Under Kisan Credit Card Scheme in India: Magnitude and Impact AnalysisCanara BankR. R. Biradar & Shoukat Ali M.
71Evaluation of Hedging Effectiveness for CNX Bank and Nifty Index FuturesCanara BankPrasanna Kumar Barik
70Alternative to Fuel Wood use in Tobacco Curing in India : The Economic Feasibilities and Determinants of their useSouth Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE), Nepal(2010)Nayanatara S. Nayak
69Dictionary of Economics (English to Kannada)CMDR, Dharwad(2010)V. B. Annigeri
68Application of Health Accounts Framework to Resource Flows for HIV/AIDS: A District Level Analysis in IndiaSouth Asia Network of Economic Research Institutes (SANEI), Islamabad, Pakisthan (2010)V. B. Annigeri
67Budget and Expenditure Tracking fort the State of MaharashtraNational Health Systems Resource Centre, New Delhi (2010)V. B. Annigeri
66Validating the Children’s Census 2008>Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Govt. of Karnataka(2009)G. K. Karanth & Sailabala Debi
65Hedging Effectiveness with CNX Bank Nift and Nifty Futures : VECH (Ht) ApproachCanara BankPrasanna Kumar Barik
64Derived Signals : Evidence from CNX Nifty FuturesCanara BankPrasanna Kumar Barik
63Utilization of Seasonal Common Property Resources: A Case Study of Dharwad DistrictSri Ratan Tata TrustMumbai (2009)A. R. Kulkarni
62Market Making and Credit- Worthiness for CNX Nifty Futures: A Signaling Equilibrium ApproachIndian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi. (2009)Prasanna Kumar Barik
61Post Enumeration Survey of DISE Data in Three Districts of KarnatakaSarva Shiksha Abhiyan Govt. of Karnataka, (2008)G. K. Karanth>Sailabala Debi
60Educational Data Bank for Higher Education>Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi, (2008)P R PanchamukhiSailabala Debi,
59Regional Area Development Boards of Karnataka : An Inquiry to Understand Their Developmental Role>State Planning Board, Govt. of Karnataka, (2008)Dr.V.B.Annigeri
58Prevention of Secondhand Smoke: Efficacy of the Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products Act. 2003: A Case Study of Public Transport Corporations in Karnataka (India)American CancerSociety, (2008)>V B Annigeri Nayanatara S. Nayak
57Report on Economics of TobaccoHRIDAY, New Delhi>(2008)P. R. Panchamukhi & Nayanatara S. Nayak.,
56Determinants of Solvency and Future Stability : An Analysis of Indian Insurance CompaniesCanara Bank, Bangalore>(2008)Subir Sen
55Educational Participation of Scheduled Tribes in Orissa : An Analysis of Demand and Supply Side ConstraintNational Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT),>New Delhi (2008)Sailabala Debi
54Micro Finance in Orissa: Mapping of SHG- Bank LinkageCanara Bank, Bangalore(2007)A. K. MohantySailabala Debi
53Programme for Enrichment of School Level Education (PESLE)- Cost StudyAga Khan Foundation,New Delhi,(2007)P. R. Panchamukhi, Sailabala Debi & V. B. Annigeri
52The Role of EMIS in Primary and Higher Primary Education : An Evaluation of Three Districts of KarnatakaSarva Shiksha Abhiyana,Govt. of Karnataka (2007)Sailabala Debi
51Developing Health Accounts for Selected Indian StatesEuropean UnionNew Delhi(2007)P. R. Panchamukhi, Sailabala Debi, Pushpa Trivedi, V. B. Annigeri, Nayanatara S. Nayak, A. K. Mohanty, A. R. Kulkarni & D. R. Revankar
50Natural Resource Accounting for Land and Forestry Sector in Karnataka (Excluding Mining)Central Statistical Organization (CSO), New Delhi, (2007)P. R. Panchamukhi, Sailabala Debi, Pushpa Trivedi & A. R. Kulkarni
49Invariant Dependency on Common Property Resources at Different Stages of Development : A Case Study of Water in IndiaIDPAD / Netherlands and Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi (2006)Arabinda Mishra & Nayanatara S. Nayak
48Documenting the Community Response to Water Resource Management : Upbridling the Legal, Institutional, Social and Economic HurdlesIDPAD / Netherlands and ICSSR, New Delhi (2006)Arabinda MishraNayanatara S. Nayak
47Socio-Economic Survey of Hubli-Dharwad CityHubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation, Hubli (2006)P.R.Panchamukhi, Sailabala Debi, V. B. Annigeri, Nayanatara S. Nayak, A. R. Kulkarni, Rajesh Raj S. N. & D. R. Revankar
46Natural Resources and Sustainable Development –IIIrd Survey of Research in EconomicsIndian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi, (2005)Nayanatara S. Nayak & ArunKumar Kulkarni
45Performance of Scheduled Commercial Banks in India During Pre-Reforms and Reforms PeriodsCanara Bank, Bangalore, (2005)Mihir K. Mahapatra
44Economics of Bidis in IndiaWHO (Delhi) and Healis Shekhsaria Institute of Public Health (Mumbai) (2005)P. R. Panchamukhi & Nayanatara S. Nayak
43Review of Research in Natural Resources and Sustainable Development in IndiaIndian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi (2005)Nayanatara S. Nayak & A. R. Kulkarni
42Impact Assessment of Mahiti Sindhu Programme (MSP)Department of State Education Research and Training (DSERT), Govt. of Karnataka (2005)P. R. Panchamukhi, Sailabala Debi, V. B. Annigeri & Nayanarata S. Nayak
41Review of Research in Ancient Economic ThoughtIndian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi(2005)P. R. Panchamukhi
40Trend Report on Economics of Education in Recent YearsNational Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), (2004)P. R. Panchamukhi & Sailabala Debi
39Background paper on Education in Karnataka under capacity building for the preparation of State Human Development ReportUNDP, New Delhi (2004)P. R. Panchamukhi & Sailabala Debi
38State Development Report- Karnataka(Health & Nutrition and Education)Planning Commission,New Delhi (2004)P. R. Panchamukhi, Sailabala Debi, V. B. Annigeri & Nayanatara S. Nayak
37Socio-Economic and Environmental Assessment of Power Sector Reforms in OrissaDepartment For Internationl Development (DFID), New Delhi (2004)P. R. Panchmaukhi, Sailabala Debi & Arabinda Mishra
36A study on Subsidies in the Tobacco Sector for Tobacco Growers in IndiaWHO, MOHFW, Government of India, (2004)P. R. Panchamukhi, V.B.Annigeri, Nayanatara S.Nayak & ArunKumar Kulkarni
35Collaborative Approaches for Tobacco Control in India and (a) Economic History of Tobacco (b) Fiscal Measures for Tobacco Control in IndiaMOHFW, Government of India and CDC, USA , (2004)P. R. Panchamukhi &Nayanatara N.S
34Incidence and Effects of Drought; A Case Study for KarnatakaWorld Bank, (2004)P. R. Panchamukhi,Arabinda Mishra & V. B. Annigeri
33Bibliographical Survey on Community Management of Natural Resources and Common Property ResourcesSouth-Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics, Khatmandu, Nepal, (SANDEE) , (2004)G. K. Kadekodi & Seema Hegde
32Grants – in – Aid to Secondary Education in KarnatakaNational Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), New Delhi, (2004)P. R. Panchamukhi, Sailabala Debi & V. B. Annigeri
31State of Environment Report Karnataka. Chapters on Water Resources, Urban and Rural Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation, and Economic InstrumentsWorld Bank & Government of Karnataka, (2003)P. R. Panchamukhi, G.K.Kadekodi, Nayanatara S. Nayak & Puttaswamiah S.
30Economic Reforms and the Health Sector In India: An Action researchUNDP and Government of India, (2003)P. R. Panchamukhi, G.K.Kadekodi, Arabinda Mishra, V. B. Annigeri, Nayanatara S. Nayak & Puttaswamaiah S.
29District Health AccountsHELPONET, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, (2003 )V. B. Annigeri
28Human resources in Electronic Industry: A Case Study of BangaloreIndian Council of Social Science Research(ICSSR), New Delhi, (2003)P. R. Panchamukhi>V.B.Annigeri
27Bibliography on BiodiversityGEF / UNDP, New Delhi, (2003)G. K. Kadekodi & Madhumita Panda
26Educational Data Bank of Elementary EducationIndian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). New Delhi, (2003)P. R. Panchamukhi & Sailabala Debi
25Trade and Environment : The links, Conflicts and Prospects in the context of Economic Reforms in IndiaWorld Bank / IGIDR, New Delhi, (2002-03)G. K. Kadekodi & Arabinda Mishra
24Common Property Land Resource Management.UNDP, under the Programme Capacity Building in Environmental Economics, (2002)G.K.Kadekodi
23Economics of Valuation of Biodiversity, a task as part of NBSAP Working GroupGEF / UNDP, New Delhi(2002)G.K.Kadekodi & Madhumita Panda
22Towards an Alternative Approach of Rural Development : A Case Study of Ralegaon SiddhiA Study in Association with Foundation Research for Community Health (FRCH), Pune (2002)G. K. Kadekodi & N. H. Antia
21Community Contribution to development of Education: A case Study of KarnatakaIndian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi, (2002)P. R. Panchamukhi & Sailabala Debi
20An Assessment of Womens’ Economic Contribution to the Farm Sector During SAP: An Intra –State AnalysisMinistry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi, (2001)P. R. Panchamukhi & Sailabala Debi
19Evaluation Study of the Regional Boards in KarnatakaHigh Power Committee for Redressal of Regional Imbalances, Govt. of Karnataka (2001)CMDR Team
18Concurrent Evaluation of Million Wells Scheme in IndiaMinistry of Rural Development, Government of India, (2001)P. R. Panchamukhi & Nayanatara S. Nayak
17Financial Management of Operation Blackboard : A Study of seven StatesMinistry of Human Resource Development, Government of India & National Institute of Educational Planning & Administration, New Delhi, (2000)P. R. Panchamukhi, K.R.Shah, Sailabala Debi & V. B. Annigeri
16Concurrent Evaluation of Indira Awas Yojana in Karnataka and Goa. Million Wells Scheme in GoaMinistry of Rural Development, Government of India, (2000)P. R. Panchamukhi & Nayanatara S.Nayak
15Responsiveness of various schemes to Girls Literacy / Education: Comparative Analysis of Karnataka and Andhra PradeshPlanning Commission, Government of India, (2000)P. R. Panchamukhi & Sailabala Debi
14Cost and Financing of Elementary Education in Madhya PradeshUNICEF, New Delhi,(2000)P. R. Panchamukhi
13Economics of Shifting from Tobacco Cultivation,RITC International Development Research Centre, Canada, (2000)P. R. Panchamukhi, Sailabala Debi, V. B. Annigeri & Nayantara S. Nayak
12Root Causes of Biodiversity Losses in Chilika Lake in IndiaWWF, India jointly with IEG, New Delhi, (1999)G. K. Kadekodi & S. C. Gulati
11Evaluation of Experimental and Innovative Programmes for Education at the Elementary Stage : A Study of Two Agencies in OrissaMinistry of HRD, Government of India, (1999)P. R. Panchamukhi & Sailabala Debi
10Costliness of Primary Education : An Enquiry into the private and Social Cost of Primary EducationEDCIL’s Technical Support Group New Delhi, (1999 )P. R. Panchamukhi & Sailabala Debi
9Socio-Economic Ideas in Ancient Indian LiteratureM. P. Birla Social Science Research Foundation and CMDR, (1998)P. R. Panchamukhi
8Markandeya Reservior Project: An Environmental Impact Assessment ReportGovernment of Karnataka, (1998)CMDR
7Role of Private and Public Sectors in Health Service Development.CMDRCMDR
6Technological Diffusion in the Farm Sector Rain-fed and Semi-Arid RegionsNational Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD) (1994-95)Vasanth Gumaste
5Resource Costs of Morbidity and under nutritionInternational Development Research Centre, Canada, (1997)CMDR
4Status of Drinking Water Supply in the Rural HabitationsRajiv Gandhi Rural Drinking Water Supply Mission, (1994)CMDR
3Health Indicators for KarnatakaCMDR, (1994-95)P. R. Panchamukhi & A.N.Kabbur
2The Role of Banks in Economic Development and Equity A Micro level studyCMDR, (1993)CMDR
1Economics of Health An Introductory ReviewIndian Economic Association Trust for Research and Development, (1989)P. R. Panchamukhi